Thursday, October 9, 2008

Living in Autism becomes Alone Together

Yesterday, I decided to spend a good time of my day reading through the Autism Bloggosphere. I found that opinions vary greatly on therapies, diets, behavior interventions, the function levels of autistics, the quality of Special Education, and the causes for autism. But no matter what, our experiences raising our children are very much the same, and autism becomes the center of our lives, especially when more than one child has been affected. So at this point I began thinking if Living in Autism is really a true depiction of our lives, or my family's live in particular. When i read it back to myself, I feel as if this is all that we were meant to do, deal with the autism, and forget about the rest of the world. It just didn't sit right with me at all. I want us to live and experience this beautiful world that God created. I want my children to spend time with others to the best of their ability. And I want to help them to be independent, even though in truth they will always need family or friends (just like anyone else) to live happy and fulfilling lives. They will not be able to do it alone.

And I don't want them to be defined by Autism or Asperger. I want them to learn to live and cope with the bumps on the road, and the holes in their umbrellas. They are loving, happy, creative, funny, a little sarcastic, smart and intelligent individuals. That is what I would like for the world to see. So, as we continue our journey through life, I've decided, we are in it for life, will always do it together.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cristina,

I really like the name change - I think it fits well. It's so important to focus on what we can accomplish together, as families and as a community.

Just wanted to say hello and thanks for listing my site on your blogroll. I have happily returned the favor!

Best wishes,
Tanya Savko

Bonnie sayers said...

The new name has a good sound to it. Thanks for putting my site on your blog roll. I was scrolling down my dashboard to see the new posts of blogs I follow and this one jumped out at me.

marie said...

Hi Christina, Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading more of yours.

Anonymous said...

Hi again Cristina,

Just stopping by today to let you know that I've tagged you for a blog award over at my site.

Best wishes,
Tanya Savko

CC said...

HI there. I just found you through some other links and wanted to say hi. I'm a Speech Pathologist and a blogger and love "meeting" new people.